Life at college is not easy. Especially for a perfectionist want-straight-A's like I am. I'm finding that college is quite complicated (with all my classes, studying, meetings, and extracurriculars), yet at the same time, everything is so simple.
It's simple because I'm basically starting over. Meals are simple. I don't have ready access to a kitchen (which is a bummer sometimes), so I never HAVE to cook. I just stand in a line, tell them what I want, then hand them my hokie passport. Easy. Also, since all of my friendships are new and fresh, there's no deep talks or drama, which sometimes really sucks, but on the other hand, it makes life so much more simple. Even going to the grocery store is so much easier. Instead of living in the middle of nowhere (I really do miss living in the middle of nowhere though...), I now live smack-dab in the middle of everything! Very convenient!
The main thing that I find is so much more simple right now, is finding things to make me happy. Since most of my days are consumed with classes and studying, I have to find happiness in the little things.
For example, on Thursday, going to Cru and seeing all the other people on this campus who love God was VERY encouraging. The worship songs especially were awesome! I've had the songs "How He Loves" by John Mark McMillan and "Beautiful" by Phil Wickham running through my head all weekend. So, not only did those songs make me happy at the time they were being played at Cru, but they have continued to bring a smile to my face and joy to my heart for the past 4 days. Bonus happiness; I love it!!!
Friday, I got to see people from home and from Roanoke, which easily made me happy.
Saturday, I watched my first sheep sale and my first official-I-am-now-a-Hokie VT football game (on tv), which made me happy.
Sunday, I got to play soccer with a bunch of good lookin guys. Enough said. :D
Today, I had to go to find a red shirt to be my soccer jersey. I figured Target would definitely have one, so I started there. After I scoured the store for a red athletic-ish shirt, I left in disappointment and headed to Wal-mart. Now, the thing that made my search more frustrating was the fact that I had only $20 for the next week or so (I have money in my bank account, but the ATM stole my check card...) and I had about 5 other items on my shopping list. As I searched Wal-mart, I texted all my frustration to my sister. As soon as I hit "send" I look up to see a red tank top. Excitedly, I grab it (it was my size yay!) and read the tag. It said "Clearance $1"!!!! Whoo! I quickly glanced at the wal-mart ceiling and said a quick thank-you. As I finished getting the things on my list, I couldn't stop smiling. After I checked out, I was smiling even bigger. Turns out I got the red shirt, new shinguards, a mini storage container ($1 item), deep conditioner, hair spray, and bobby pins ($1 item as well), all for a grand total of $13.75. My wallet, as well as myself, were quite happy.
As I walked from my car to my dorm just now, I couldn't stop smiling and whistling "How He Loves". I felt like people were staring at me as they walked past because I was just beaming. (This is weird, because normally when I'm walking, I apparently frown... I have had more than one passerby tell me to cheer up before... that always makes me feel like Scrooge or something!)
So yeah, I'm happy! :D
Magic Mike Xxl Online Cuevana
3 years ago
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