Thoughts on VT Orientation...

Yesterday I went to the orientation for transfer students at Virginia Tech. The students who were leading the orientation were very big on trying to get us fired up about being Hokies. They made sure we knew that a hokie was not just some old turkey, but that the true defintion of a hokie was a student ready to take their place representing Virginia Tech. Here are some of the thoughts that I scribbled down yesterday when I was waiting for my advisor to call my name (but trying not to act as if I was too eager haha).

"You have to flush the toilets manually??? Seriously?!?" That is what came to my mind upon my visit to a Squires bathroom. Apparently Virginia Western's tech-savvy facilities have spoiled me a tad bit. At Western, the bathrooms look like they belong in some upscale hotel, not a community college. Western will teach us "all we need to know to conquer the world"... except how to flush a toilet and turn on a faucet. Interesting.

Coming out of that same Squires bathroom stall, I ran into a girl I know from Western. I didn't even know she was going to VT too! It was amazing how many people I knew, even on a completely new campus! The smiles on familiar faces made the day a little less boring.

By far, the most exciting part of the day was getting my class schedule. I like most of my classes. The majority are introductory animal science classes, but I also have Organic Chemistry. That's the class that scares me-- O. Chem. I've heard over and over how killer hard this class is. A professor yesterday also mentioned that if I bomb (aka make anything below a B) O. Chem, my chances of getting into vet school are pretty much extinct. Great... no pressure, right??

Other than organic chemistry, I'm very excited about sitting in a desk learning about cows' digestive tracts all day. That sounds like fun to me! (Yeah I'm weird!) I'm totally stoked to actually be doing something related to my major for once. This is the reason I sat through English and Economics. This is the reason I am at Virginia Tech. This is my campus, my school, my home away from home.

What's a hokie? I am.

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Ok, so I know I haven't posted in 6 months. And I've been meaning to get back to this poor blog, really i have, but it hasn't happened lately. But now I have a moment to sit here and type, so we'll type a blog post, ok?

I thought my life would be so calm and stress-free once the semester ended, but I was wrong. Very wrong. Working full-time, taking 2 summer classes, and trying to enjoy the summer like a normal teenager has turned out to be quite difficult. When that alarm clock goes off after having relatively little sleep for the 6th day in a row, it sucks. Majorly.

But you know what? This is the kind of hectic craziness that I thrive on. I hate when life's easy, so I make it more difficult, just to make it more of an adventure. Why come home and watch tv when you could go outside and weed a whole horse pasture? That way I become even more physically exhausted so work is even more of an adventure the next day. Then I come in from weeding... Ohhh it's 1am and my room's filthy. Let's clean it, even though I have to get up in just a few hours.

Yeah... ok, I think I've become a bit of a workaholic, but oh well. I'm young and spry, I can handle it.

Tonight. I did nothing. I sat on the couch and watched a movie with my sister. And now I sit here typing. Not typing an essay for some application... typing a blog post. Wow.

Tonight. I was in my most comfortable pajamas before 9 o clock. I sat in the dark living room with just one lamp on and played my piano, who has been awfully lonely lately. (The moment didn't last long, as my parents quickly told me I was playing too loudly. Way to kill my special enthusiastic joyful moment. Sheesh!)

At this moment. I have no desire to go do work of any kind. Tomorrow is Wednesday. I am not scheduled to work. And I am not covering someone else's shift. I am taking an honest to goodness day off and I plan to enjoy it! My morning alarms (yes, plural) will not be set at 5am. They will not be set at 7am. They will not even be set at 9am. My alarms will not be set at all and I am very excited!!!

Good night world. Wait... I don't have to go to bed yet! I can stay up as late as I want since I can sleep in tomorrow! Muahaha. :)

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