Everyone at Virginia Tech gets parking tickets. EVERYONE. I knew this coming here, so I was very conscientious about reading signs before I parked anywhere on campus. I was not going to be one of the "everyone" who gets a ticket. And yet, despite my best efforts, I got a ticket earlier on this semester. I mentioned it here: here.
After I paid my parking ticket, I turned in a written appeal, where I very clearly stated my case and how I did not deserve to get a ticket. A couple of weeks later, I got a letter in response. "We have taken your appeal into consideration and are sorry to inform you that it has been denied. If you would like to schedule a hearing to further appeal your case, please call this number..."
Well. Guess who appealed it further? Yes, that would me moi. It wasn't even about the money. I just wanted justice for crying out loud!!!
So the week before Thanksgiving break, I put on a professional suit, pulled my hair back into a severe bun, and grabbed my little black messenger bag wanna-be-briefcase and headed for a showdown.
Turns out, the people (who were sitting around a big imposing boardroom table eek!) were really nice and polite. I calmly and clearly stated my case (using an opening, 3 main points, and a conclusion like any good persuasive speaker would) in a couple of minutes. The parking service lady then informed me that there were indeed signs, I just didn't understand them correctly (being new to campus and all). Bummer, there went my case. They then complimented me on my politeness and preparedness, then escorted me out, saying that they would mail me their decision in a week.
Yesterday I checked my mailbox to find a letter from parking services. Not expecting much, I opened the letter to a pleasant surprise. They dismissed my parking ticket and are going to give me a full refund!!! YAY I WON!!!! It was my finest moment. (Not really, that just sounded fitting.) So yeah, maybe if I don't get into vet school, I should be a lawyer! :)
Magic Mike Xxl Online Cuevana
3 years ago
December 2, 2009 at 9:25 AM
Oh my word, you rock! I could totally see you as an attorney, actually. So if you keep failing science classes, you have a great back-up career plan, haha ;)
December 2, 2009 at 8:41 PM
Hahaha thanks! When I was in middle school, Mom forced me to do debate, but I didn't like it AT ALL. I loved the debating part, but I absolutely couldn't stand the "totally and completely saturate yourself in one little issue so you can be prepared to win the debate". And those people who DID totally saturate themselves in the topic were scary. Especially if I was debating against them eek!!!
So yeah, I think I would go insane if I had to do that on a daily basis, but it's a possibility. :)